Photo by filipefrazao/iStock / Getty Images
August 1 of every year marks a holiday. This is a lesser-known one that is very important to our health and well-being. What’s the holiday?
National Girlfriends Day
According to the Mayo Clinic, friendships play a significant role in promoting positive overall health. Strong friendships have reduced the risk of depression, high blood pressure, and unhealthy body mass index. Also, friendships can reduce stress by boosting your happiness, improving your self-worth, and helping you cope with traumatic events.
So, for those who have strong tribes, we need to honor them. I believe there is always a reason to celebrate the beautiful people who enrich our lives by naturally being who they are. I also don’t need a national day to do this, but I believe it can be extremely beautiful and healing to intentionally hold space at least one day a year for the women in our tribe that support us and, in their ways, make us better.
Take some time this weekend to intentionally celebrate the beauty of strong, positive, affirming, and soul-healing relationships with the women of your tribe. Here are three ideas on how you can do just that:
Idea 1:: Send a digital card
Download a Just Because digital card and shoot your besties a text with the graphic and a special note.
Idea 2 :: Sipping, Snacking & Singing
Grab your girlfriends, drink of choice, and a few of your favorite appetizers, and hit the kitchen table to talk***, laugh and share with this soundtrack as the backdrop. Filled with songs that will make you stand tall and proudly proclaim, “I Am Enough, and I am a Black woman.” Enjoy appreciating your bond and sharing your most intimate thoughts with your sista friends. This playlist celebrates the power of Black women and our friendships in honor of National Girlfriend’s Day (August 1). Curated by Brandi “Bea” Williams, co-author if I Am Enough:: 50 Affirmations for Black Women (, and Beverlee Sanders, former partners in Bea N’ Bev.
*** You can host this party virtually by sending an invite via Zoom, asking each lady to sit at the kitchen table, and sending a menu for consideration.
Idea 3:: It’s a Photo Party
Give the women in your tribe one (or more) of these sister-friend phone wallpapers. The designs were created as reminders for you and your tribe to rest (Relax, Relate, Release); stay positive (I’m Living a Golden Life); and remind you that your tribe has your back (Soul Sisters).
Idea 4 :: Dear Sister …
First, take out a pen and paper and evaluate your tribe.
Who’s in your tribe?
What role and purpose do they serve in your life?
What are some of your favorite memories with this person?
What value do they bring to your life?
What do you see in the future for you two?
Second, write a note or record a video to the people in your tribe sharing some of the things you’ve identified about your friendship. This could be thank you for being a friend - or thank you for the memories if you find that your time with this person has expired.
Third, write yourself a note or create a video to honor the friend you’ve been to you. We always need a little positive affirmation from the number one lady in our lives - ourselves.
Whatever you decide, make sure you celebrate with your tribe. You’re blessed to have them!