Community Engagement: Meet Them Where They Are

Urban Education Expert Christopher Emdin, Ph.D and New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker understand that to truly engage a community you must first understand the community - without judging them - and then engage them where they are.

Years ago Corey Booker spent time living in the projects of Newark to gain a better understanding of the realities of the residents he didn't understand.  What he realized during that time is that while there was much change the residents had to do, there were also policy changes that needed to be made to ensure residents would fully function in society.

What Is PR For Social Justice?

If you have been following this blog then you know I have transitioned through the years. It's very evident in my writing. At the end of last year I began a rebranding project. I went from promoting studio b public relations to branding myself as an expert PR professional with a focus on social justice. But what exactly does that look like? It looks like a post I made recently to my Facebook page (see below). It is honest, raw conversation about social issues impacting our nation with a focus on PR. It is me advocating for what is socially, morally and ethically correct. It is me standing up for the little man. It is me helping the little man learn to fish by teaching them how to stand up for themselves. It is me using the power of PR to advance social justice causes. It is advocacy.