If you believe what you see on television about black men. If you believe what you read on the Internet about black men. And if you believe what you may have witnessed and seen with your own eyes about black men then you may believe they are a lost cause.
I don't believe any of it.
I believe in black men.
And more than believe in them, I am supporting them.
I have chosen to help the Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program raise money to help raise our boys to be young men.
The Emerging Leaders Mentorship Program (ELMP) for Black Males is a year-round program that prepares black male youth to be leaders in their homes, schools, communities, and future professions. Using a proactive and holistic approach to addressing the mental, physical, and spiritual needs unique to black male youth, ELMP engages members in a three-phase of leadership development program that requires year-round participation until they graduate from high school. Learn more about the 3 phases.
And please consider making a donation.
Your donation will help raise a boy to be a man. Your donation will keep the statistics from coming true. Your donation will help build our nation.