today would have been tupac's 43 birthday, and and though i am a die hard biggie fan, but I have a big respect for tupac. i respect his dedication to the community and to social change. the #juicecrü movement is inspired by the movie "juice."
at the end the movie omar epps is asked, "who got the juice now?" after bishop (tupac) is killed.
the juice crü was created to show that everyone has the juice. everyone has power. all you have to do it leverage it to earn respect and create change.
who are we?
we are the juice crü - the next generation of civil and human rights leaders. We understand that we have power to change our communities. we have juice. we have a voice. we have a vote. we have power and we will use it to to change our communities.
are you crü? will you join us to create change?
sign up for information on our launch and upcoming events and trainings.
also see: