ladarius sapho has the best grade point average at proviso east high school in maywood, illinois. his grades have earned him the top spot as the valedictorian, but he's being told he can't be valedictorian. last week ladarius and the school's salutatorian were told they didn't qualify to be the valedictorian or the salutatorian because of a district policy that says you have to have attended (not sure if it is the school or the district) for at least seven semesters. both transferred in as sophomores, making them one semester shy of the seven required.
this seems ludicrous and unfair.
the school's administration team has been asked to provide the policy three times, but they haven't. the principal at the school says that he can provide the policy at his discretion.
act now
ladarius isn't the only student across the country who is impacted by this rule. there are stories of countless students (according to my FB feed) who have faced similar disappointment because of policies like these. in a time when education across our nation is under attack, and especially when young black men find themselves in jail cells and not in college classrooms, we need to do everything to help them maintain hope. it is imperative that we begin to look into policies like these across the country and support ladarius and the salutatorian in their fight to deliver the valedictorian and salutatorian addresses at their graduation this year. here's how we can do both (click arrows to see each action step):
each of us has the power to create change. it is our duty and obligation to work with elected officials to determine if there are outdated or unjust policies on the book that should be updated. will you #actnow to help ladarius and those behind him who deserve what they have earned?
i posted this story on my FB page a few days ago. i asked people to take the action steps above. instead, i received lots of comments about how people weren't surprised and they knew of similar stories. to say i was disappointed would be an understatement.
the juice crü movement recognizes that each of us has power and if we each raise awareness and our voices each time we encounter something that seems unjust, we will change the world. things continue to happen because we talk about injustice, but we don't act on it. will you continue to talk or will you be a catalyst for change? we all have the power to do so.
when you speak up and rally the troops to level the playing field you are a crü member.
are you crü?