Be a Rebel

Today was second Sunday - the Sunday my kids have to usher at church.  We got up, got dressed and got ready for church.  Went through the before the sermon rituals and then it happened - Minister Potts delivered a message from Daniel 3:13-30 that had me jotting notes for THIS blog.  This confirmed for me that the name I'd chosen for the new blog posts - b'lesson - was right on time.

It has been more than a year since I blogged. I am recommiting myself to blogging weekly today.  Each week your business will get PR insipration, insight and advice on navigating today's world from a PR perspective - aka a b'lesson.  These b'lessons (b lessons) come to you compliments of studio b public relations.

Today's b'lesson is inspired by the minister's charge to be a rebel.

The lesson: Don't color inside the a maverick.  We've had this conversation before; so, I won't have it again. Read, reflect and let's talk about it.