“Here we come.” ~ Black Women
I saved this photo months ago, right after Biden announced he was stepping down from seeking the Democratic nomination, and Kamala made her intention to run public. The only words in the photo are: “Here we come.”
At first, I admired it. Black women, once again stepping into leadership, doing what we’ve always done—carrying the load no one else will. But then, something inside me cringed.
I wondered: Why do we keep doing this? Why do we keep saving everyone but ourselves?
Ever since white women leveraged our strength and resilience to win the fight for equality, we’ve been on the front lines of battles that don’t honor us. We’ve led marches, championed causes, and carried movements forward. But where is the acknowledgment of our personhood, our dignity, or our need for rest?
We’ve given and given, even when history has shown us time and again that while they love our rhythm, they don’t want our blues.
And then, I had to ask myself the same hard questions:
Am I doing this too? Am I sacrificing my peace for the sake of others?
The answer was clear. I was in the middle of a full-blown nervous breakdown, and I realized something had to change. All that could matter was me. I had to stop living for others and start living for myself.
This is where so many of us, as Black women, find ourselves today. We are exhausted, overwhelmed, and ready to let go of the burden. Ready to rest and live softly.
Sis, it’s time to prioritize yourself. It’s time to unBEAcome.
In love and light,
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