Dear Black Woman: Daily Meditation Mixtape (EP)

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Dear Black Woman Squarespace.png

Dear Black Woman: Daily Meditation Mixtape (EP)


Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness and achieve mental clarity, emotional calm, and stability.

This mixtape features three tracks explicitly designed to support the meditative practice for Black women.

Track 1: Good Morning Gorgeous | Affirmation Track | Listen to this in the morning or anytime during the day when you need to be reminded of who you are.

Track 2: Breathe | Breathing Meditation | Listen to this track when you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or need mental clarity. It will help you increase focus, reduce stress, and slow down.

Track 3: BEA Happy | Metta Meditation | Metta meditation is from the Buddist tradition and guides you to mentally send goodwill, kindness, and warmth to yourself by silently repeating a series of mantras.

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